1 The Being of God.
There is one God – with three distinct persons (the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit) co-equal and co-eternal, inseparably united in one divine being.
God created the entire universe in six days and He made man in His own image.
2 The Fall of Man.
The temptation by Satan resulted in Adam rebelling against God, and plunging the entire human race into spiritual ruin (or sin). Men are unwilling and unable to seek God by themselves.
3 The Bible.
God provided this guidebook to the way to salvation. The Bible is divinely authored, and is without error or failing. It is the Christian’s guide to faith and practice.
4 The Plan of Salvation.
The salvation of sinners is entirely the work of God.
In accordance with God’s plan, Jesus Christ became flesh and whilst retaining his divine nature, lived on earth with a truly human nature. He was free from sin – leading a perfect life in obedience to God.
He died on the cross, taking on the full penalty of sin. He rose again the third day, breaking the power of death and bringing eternal life to all believers. After his resurrection he appeared to various witnesses before ascending into heaven.
5 The Application of Salvation.
The salvation secured by Jesus Christ is applied to every elect sinner by the Holy Spirit. Every believer is free from the guilt of all sin, and has the righteousness of Christ imputed to him. It is possible for a believer to give in to temptation but all who are truly converted will certainly persevere and enter into the joys of heaven.
6 The Christian Life.
Christian behaviour is based on the unchanging law of God, as set out in all the Scriptures.
Christians continually grow to be more like Jesus. They never obtain complete victory over sin but must constantly strive against the world, and Satan.
7 The Church.
The true church consists all who have been brought to trust in the Lord Jesus.
Local churches are characterised by the regular worship of God – including faithful preaching, godly behaviour, adherence to apostolic doctrine and practice.
Each local church has a responsibility for making known the truths of the gospel to lost sinners and should seek to know the mind of the Lord in carrying out this commission.
8 The Ordinances.
Baptism and the Lord’s Supper were instituted by the Lord Jesus for the spiritual good of his people, and both are to be observed in the church until he comes again.
9 The Last Things.
The second coming of the Lord Jesus Christ will be visible and personal. It will herald the general resurrection, the final judgment, and the eternal state.